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sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008

Official Desafio 24h pictures already available

Click here and check all the official Desafio 24h 2008 pictures, thru our ativo.com hotsite.
All pictures are available for free download. You can choose as many as you want! They're free.

quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008

Desafio 24h to be aired on ESPN Brasil 12/3

Renata Falzoni, the famous bike reporter shot a whole 30 minutes special show featuring the Desafio 24h 2008. The footage will be aired in two parts, with the first on the 3rd December and the second part by the 10th. The show will be replayed a few times afterwards. Check the web site for more informantions. 

domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008

2008 women solo category winners

Caroline, Daniela and Alziane, Desafio 24h 2008 queens!

Suggestions and comments

We want to put a better race every year. So we firmly believe that your suggestions and comments are the most important feedback we can have.
Feel free to send it to us, so we can consider and work for it.

Desafio 24h 2008 Results

Check the results on the Portuguese version of the blog, by clicking the Brazilian flag.

sábado, 15 de novembro de 2008


This morning at 8 sharply, 230 riders from Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal and USA started a 24 hours battle against the heat, wind and exhaustion.
The sixth edition of this breakthrough bike race in Brazil, is finally on!
All preparation, training and logistics will be proven during a whole day and night. Solos and teams will be challenged to endure until tomorrow morning.
The weather prediction is no surprise. Winds ranging between 19 and 30km/h and the temperatures from 26 to 32C.
The blue skies above The Beach Park Resort will show no mercy!
Soon the bodies will begin to fade and only the strongest will overcome.

terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2008

Check here all the Desafio 24h 2008 entrants.

6 person Teams

601 - Grupo Pão de Açúcar Bike Team (São Paulo) - mixed
602 - Pão de Açúcar Fortaleza
603 - Zona Alvo Barcelos Sports
604 - Fed. Cearense de Ciclismo Loucos por Mtb
605 - Athlon Esporte e Saúde
607 - Carcarás Pedaleiros Sobral
608 - FCC Regiciclo Pizzaria Mac Burger
609 - FCC Cia da Aventura
610 - FCC Cia da Aventura II
611 - FCC Cia da Aventura III
612 - Servis Segurança

4 person Teams

401 - Zona ALvo Servis T1
402 - Nabuco Racing (São Paulo) - master
403 - Pagliarini Express (Suiça/Londrina/Foz do Iguaçú)
404 - Fed. Cearense de Ciclismo
405 - Ferro e Aço Activa
406 - Fed. Cearense de Ciclismo II
407 - 100% Bike Distribuidora Col. Dáuli - mixed
408 - Rhayza Maria Bela Calçados
410 - Kioma Segurança

2 person Teams

201 - Servis Fiat é na Iguauto
202 - FCC EMS Midway Dose Certa Ótica Pontual
203 - FCC Moto Ciclo
204 - Construtora Castelo Branco
205 - Cartório 15 (Rio de Janeiro) - mixed
206 - Big Gym Refrigerantes - women
207 - FCC EMS Midway Dose Certa Ótica Pontual II
208 - Nabuco Racing Sputnik Switzerland (Suíça) - mixed


1- Rogério Marques (Belo Horizonte)
2 - Cláudio Clarindo (Santos)
3 - Robert Kish (EUA)
104 - Wagner Comodoro
105 - Roberto da Costa Silva (Uberlândia)
106 - Caroline Van Den Bulk (Canadá/Holanda)
107 - Fernando Sales (São Paulo)
108 - Roberto Trotta (Itália)
109 - Daniela Genovesi (Rio de Janeiro)
110 - Fabio Biasiolo (Itália)
111 - Marcelo Jardim Andrade (Adamantina/SP)
113 - Anderson D. Lira
114 - Ricardo Ferraz
115 - Ricardo Sérgio Leão Garcia (DF)
116 - Roberto Grecco (São Paulo)
117 - Sandra Cristina S. Faustino (Belém)
118 - Alziane Diógenes (Crato)
119 - Henrique Valor Caldas (DF)
120 - Ricardo de Araújo Pereira (DF)
121 - Rosival de Lima (São Paulo)
122 - Joel Chaves de Oliveira
123 - Edvaldo Negão

4 person Teams 12h

501 - Zona Alvo GL Loco
502 - Zona ALvo Servis - women
503 - Zona ALvo Casas Girão
504 - Zona Alvo Triathlon
505 - Zona ALvo Uirapuru Taxi Aéreo
506 - Zona Alvo no Bico - women
507 - Zona Alvo Makro Engenharia
509 - FCC EMS Dose Certa I
510 - FCC EMS Dose Certa II
511 - Cannondale
512 - Presença Esportes (DF)
513 - B2KP Kokid Jeans Pet Max Academia B2
514 - Equipe Amigos
515 - Luis Sinner Regional Nordeste
516 - ACACI de Ciclismo Juazeiro
517 - EV Marketing

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Bike Brother's service and parts

The Bike Brother's will be at this years race. The will be located at the Race Village from friday until the end of the race. Professional service and parts will be available for all riders.
If you need a new chain or simply a inner tube, a light set or a derailleur set up, Cleber and his team will do it for you.
VISA and cash (R$ only) will be accepted.

domingo, 9 de novembro de 2008

Desafio 24h 2008 to air no ESPN Brazil

This years race will be aired on the 26th November, only a few days after!

The 30 minutes special will be aired at the Mundo Duas Rodas presented by the famous bike reporter Renata Falzoni.

Womens field grows to four!

Now will have four contenders to the title of this years race.
Besides the Dutch Caroline Van Den Bulk and the Brazilian Daniela Figueiredo, Sandra from Pará and Alziane Diógenes, from Ceará, will be side to side at the start line.
After having an injury problem last year, Alziane left the race before completing the 24 hours.
This year she's much better prepared and almost 100% healed from her hip aches.
Three times MTB 12 hours champion; Second overall at the World Cup qualifying event and two times winner of the 4 riders relay category at the Desafio 24h, Alziane said "that is impossible for a Cearense not to be in such a World Class event, right at our playground. This is a must for bike lovers". 

terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008


All riders must present a valid medical statement, mentioning the Desafio 24h, with the medical registration number and doctor's signature.

The team or rider will only be eligible to compete if he's signed the registration form and presented the medical statement.
Everybody's safety is our major concern.

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